Upgrade to the Managed Operations Service Level

If you currently have the Managed Infrastructure support service level for Rackspace Public Cloud, you can upgrade to the Managed Operations service level.

Upgrade to the Managed Operations Service Level

  1. In the Cloud Control Panel, choose Rackspace Cloud from the drop-down list of products that is located at the top of the page on the utility navigation bar.

  2. Click Account on the utility navigation bar to see your current level of service under Service Level from the drop-down list.

  3. With the drop-down list under Account still open, click Upgrade Service Level.

  4. To upgrade your service level to Managed Operations, click Learn More under Managed Operations.


    If you upgrade your service level, you cannot revert back to the previous level.

  5. In the pop-up window, click Request Upgrade.

  6. On the Confirm Managed Operations Upgrade page, read the information provided. Open the Terms of Service link and read the terms of service.

  7. If you agree to the terms, select both check boxes, and then click Request Upgrade.

    A confirmation of your upgrade displays on the screen.


You will see the changes in effect the next time you log in.