Permissions Matrix for Rackspace Monitoring

The Rackspace Monitoring permissions matrix displays specific permissions for the following role-based access control (RBAC) roles:

  • Admin provides full access to create, read, update, and delete.
  • Creator provides access to create, read, and update.
  • Observer provides read-only access.

The matrix displays the Rackspace Monitoring methods groups by category, their corresponding RESTful API commands, and the RBAC roles that are supported.

Account Operations

MethodAPI actionRoleDescription
Get account informationGET /v1.0/accountObserver, Creator, AdminReturns account information.
Update properties on an accountPUT /v1.0/accountAdminUpdates properties on an account.
Get audit informationGET /v1.0/auditsObserver, Creator, AdminReturns audits information for the account.
Get limitsGET /v1.0/limitsObserver, Creator, AdminReturns account resource limits.
Get usageGET /v1.0/usageObserver, Creator, AdminReturns resource and rate limits for the account.

Agents Operations

MethodAPI actionRoleDescription
List agentsGET /v1.0/agentsObserver, Creator, AdminLists all agents that have connected to the account in the last 30 days.
Get agent by IDGET /v1.0/agents/{agentId}Observer, Creator, AdminReturns information about the specified agent.
List agent connectionsGET /v1.0/agents/{agentId}/connectionsObserver, Creator, AdminLists the connections that are active for the specified agent.
List agent connectionsGET /v1.0/agents/{agentId}/connections/:connIdObserver, Creator, AdminReturns information about the specific connection for the specified agent.

Agent host information operations

MethodAPI actionRoleDescription
Get agent host info typesGET /v1.0/agents/{agentId}/host_info_typesObserver, Creator,AdminGet information about the types of host information data supported by the agent.
Get informationGET /v1.0/agents/{agentId}/host_info/{type}Observer, Creator, AdminGets the host information specified by {type}. For a complete list of agent host information, see agent host information check.

Agent Targets Operations

MethodAPI actionRoleDescription
List agent check targets for {agentCheckType}GET /entities/{entityId}/agent/check_types/{agentCheckType}/targetsObserver, Creator, AdminEnumerates the devices allowed for the specified agent check type on the server where the agent is installed. For complete list of check types, see remote checks and agent checks.

Agent Tokens Operations

MethodAPI actionRoleDescription
List agent tokensGET /v1.0/agent_tokensAdminLists the agent tokens.
Get agent token by IDGET /v1.0/agent_tokens/{tokenId}Observer, Creator, AdminGets information for a single agent token.
Update agent tokenPUT /v1.0/agent_tokens/{tokenId}AdminUpdates a token with the specified tokenId (label).
Delete agent tokenDELETE /v1.0/agent_tokens/{tokenId}AdminDeletes the specified agent token from your account.
Create agent tokenPOST /v1.0/agent_tokensObserver, Creator, AdminCreates a new agent token.

Alarm Operations

MethodAPI actionRoleDescription
List alarmsGET /v1.0/entities/{entityId}/alarmsObserver, Creator, AdminLists the alarms on the specified entity.
Get alarm by IDGET /v1.0/entities/{entityId}/alarms/{alarmId}Observer, Creator, AdminGets information about the specified single alarm.
Update alarm by IDPUT /v1.0/entities/{entityId}/alarms/{alarmId}AdminUpdates an alarm with the specified alarmId. Partial updates to an alarm are acceptable. You may specify only the parameters you would like to update.
Delete alarm by IDDELETE /v1.0/entities/{entityId}/alarms/{alarmId}AdminDeletes the specified alarm from the account.
Create an alarmPOST /v1.0/entities/{entityId}/alarmsCreator, AdminCreates a new alarm for the specified entity.
Test an alarmPOST /v1.0/entities/{entityId}/test-alarmObserver, Creator, AdminTests whether the alarm criteria is valid and shows how the alarm state is evaluated.

Alarm Examples Operations

MethodAPI actionRoleDescription
List alarm examplesGET /v1.0/alarm_examplesObserver, Creator, AdminReturns a list of alarm examples.
Get alarm example by IDGET /v1.0/alarm_examples/{alarmExampleId}Observer, Creator, AdminReturns information about the specified alarm example.
Evaluate alarm examplePOST /v1.0/alarm_examples/{alarmExampleId}Observer, Creator, AdminEvaluates a specific alarm example.

Alarm Notification History Operations

MethodAPI actionRoleDescription
List alarm notification historyGET /v1.0/entities/{entityId}/alarms/{alarmId}/notification_historyObserver, Creator, AdminLists alarm notification history for the specified alarm.
List alarm notification history by check IDGET /v1.0/entities/{entityId}/alarms/{alarmId}/notification_history/{checkId}Observer, Creator, AdminLists alarm notification history for the specified entity, alarm and check.
List a single alarm notificationGET /v1.0/entities/{entityId}/alarms/{alarmId}/notification_history/{checkId}/:uuidObserver, Creator, AdminRetrieves a single alarm notification history item.

Changelogs Operation

MethodAPI actionRoleDescription
List alarm changelogsGET /v1.0/changelogs/alarmsObserver, Creator, AdminLists alarm changelogs for the account.

Check Operations

MethodAPI actionRoleDescription
List checks for an entityGET /v1.0/entities/{entityId}/checksCreator, AdminLists the checks associated with a given entityId.
Get a check by IDGET /v1.0/entities/{entityId}/checks/{checkId}Creator, AdminReturns information about the specified check.
Update a check by IDPUT /v1.0/entities/{entityId}/checks/{checkId}AdminUpdates the specified check.
Delete a check by IDDELETE /v1.0/entities/{entityId}/checks/{checkId}AdminDeletes the specfied check from your account.
Create a checkPOST /v1.0/entities/{entityId}/checksCreator, AdminCreates a new check and associates it with an entity using the parameters listed in Attributes used for all checks.
Test an existing checkPOST /v1.0/entities/{entityId}/checks/{checkId}/testObserver, Creator, AdminTests a check inline.
Test a checkPOST /v1.0/entities/{entityId}/test-checkObserver Creator, AdminTests a check before you create it.

Check Type Operations

MethodAPI actionRoleDescription
List check typesGET /v1.0/check_typesObserver, Creator, AdminList all the available check types.
Get a check type by IDGET /v1.0/check_types/{checkTypeId}Observer, Creator, AdminRetrieves information for the specified check type.

Entities Operations

MethodAPI actionRoleDescription
List entities for an accountGET /v1.0/entitiesObserver, Creator, AdminLists the entities for an account.
Get an entity by IDGET /v1.0/entities/{entityId}Observer, Creator, AdminRetrieves the current state of the specified entity.
Update an entity by IDPUT /v1.0/entities/{entityId}AdminUpdates an entity specified by the entityId.
Delete entity by IDDELETE /v1.0/entities/{entityId}AdminDeletes the specified entity from your account. Also deletes any checks and alarms defined for that entity.
Create an entityPOST /v1.0/entitiesCreator, AdminCreates a new entity.

Metrics Operations

MethodAPI actionRoleDescription
List metrics by check IDGET /v1.0/entities/{entityId}/checks/{checkId}/metricsObserver, Creator, AdminLists the metrics associated with the specified check.
Get data points by metric nameGET /v1.0/entities/{entityId}/checks/{checkId}/metrics/{metricNate}/plotObserver, Creator, AdminQueries for all data points of the specified metric between two points in time.

Monitoring Zones Operations

MethodAPI actionRoleDescription
List monitoring zonesGET /v1.0/monitoring_zonesObserver, Creator, AdminLists the monitoring zones for the account.
Get monitoring zone by IDGET /v1.0/monitoring_zones/{monitoringZoneId}Observer, Creator, AdminGets information about the specified monitoring zone.
Perform a traceroute from a monitoring zonePOST /v1.0/monitoring_zones/{monitoringZoneId}/tracerouteObserver, Creator, AdminPerforms a traceroute from a collector in the specified monitoring zones.

Notification Operations

MethodAPI actionRoleDescription
List notificationsGET /v1.0/notifications?id={notificationId}Observer, Creator, AdminLists the notifications for an account, or information about notifications that you specify.
Update a notificationPUT /v1.0/notifications/{notificationId}AdminUpdates the specified notification.
Delete NotificationDELETE /v1.0/notifications/{notificationId}AdminDeletes the specified notification from the account.
Create a notificationPOST /v1.0/notificationsCreator, AdminCreates a notification.
Test an existing notificationPOST /v1.0/notifications/{notificationId}/testObserver, Creator, AdminTests an existing notification.
Test a notificationPOST /v1.0/test-notificationObserver, Creator, AdminTests a notification before you create it.

Notification Type Operations

MethodAPI actionRoleDescription
Get notification type by IDGET /v1.0/notification_types/{notificationTypeId}Observer, Creator, AdminGets information for a single notification type.
List notification typesGET /v1.0/notification_typesObserver, Creator, AdminList all the available notification types.

Notification Plans Operations

MethodAPI actionRoleDescription
List notification plansGET /v1.0/notification_plansObserver, Creator, AdminLists the notification plans for the account.
Get a notification plan by IDGET /v1.0/notification_plans/{notificationPanId}Observer, Creator, AdminGets information about the specified notification plan.
Update a notification plan by IDPUT /v1.0/notification_plans/{notificationPanId}AdminUpdates the specified notification plan.
Delete a notification planDELETE /v1.0/notification_plans/{notificationPanId}AdminDeletes the specified notification plan.
Create a notification planPOST /v1.0/notification_plansCreator, AdminCreates a notification plan.

Suppressions Operations

MethodAPI actionRoleDescription
List suppressionsGET /v1.0/suppressionsObserver, Creator, AdminReturns a list of suppressions.
Get a suppression by IDGET /v1.0/suppressions/{suppressionId}Observer, Creator, AdminGets details of the specified suppression.
Update a suppressionPUT /v1.0/suppressions/{suppressionId}AdminUpdates the specified suppression.
Delete a suppressionDELETE /v1.0/suppressions/{suppressionId}AdminDeletes the specified suppression.
Create a suppressionPOST /v1.0/suppressionsAdminCreates a suppression.

Suppression Logs Operation

MethodAPI actionRoleDescription
List suppression logsGET /v1.0/suppression_logsObserver, Creator, AdminLists suppression logs for the account.

Views Operations

MethodAPI actionRoleDescription
Get overviewGET /v1.0/views/overviewObserver, Creator, AdminReturns a view that contains summary information about the entities in this account.
Get alarms view by notification planGET /v1.0/views/alarmsByNp/{notificationPlanId}Observer, Creator, AdminReturns the alarms using a given notification plan ID.

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