Manage DNS records in the MyRackspace Portal

This article explains how to create and manage Domain Name System (DNS) zones and
records within the MyRackspace Portal and covers the following topics:

  • Create and delete DNS zones.
  • Modify zone Time to Live (TTL) settings.
  • Create and modify subdomains.
  • Import and export DNS zones.
  • Create, modify, and remove DNS records.

Access DNS settings

To access DNS settings, log in to the My Rackspace portal
and navigate to Network > Domains (DNS).

Manage DNS zones

This section covers how to create or delete DNS zones.

Create a DNS zone

Note: The domains you add must already be registered before you can add them to the account. You can
choose to register a domain name through one of the many available registrars.

  1. To access the zone creation page, click Actions > Create Zone.
  2. In the field Domains (one per line), enter the domain of the zone you want to create.
  3. You must create at least one A record in the Create Records section when you add a new zone.
    To modify the number of initial records you need, check or uncheck the box for the record.
  4. You can add a comment under Comment. Use this to describe the purpose of the new zone. It is not
    accessible publicly.
  5. Click Create New Zone to finish adding the zone.

Delete a DNS zone

  1. Click the zone domain name that you want to delete in the list of zones displayed. If you have a large
    number of zones, you can use the Filter Zones search box at the upper right to locate the necessary
  2. Click Actions > Delete Zone.

Modify DNS zone TTL settings

When you modify DNS zone TTL settings, you can adjust the TTL for all zones or specifically for an individual zone.

Modify TTL settings for all zones

Start from the DNS Zone List and perform the following steps:

  1. Click Actions > Modify all TTLs.
  2. Enter a new TTL in seconds, ranging from 300 to 864400.
  3. Click Modify All TTLs to save the change for all zones.

Modify TTL settings for a single zone

Start from the DNS Zone List and perform the following steps:

  1. Click the zone domain name you want to modify. If you have a large number of zones, you can use
    the Filter Zones search box at the upper right to locate the necessary zone.
  2. Click Actions > Modify Zone TTLs.
  3. Enter a new TTL in seconds, ranging from 300 to 864400.
  4. Click Modify All TTLs to save the change for the zone.

Manage subdomains

This section covers subdomains.

Create subdomains

Start from the DNS Zone List and perform the following steps:

  1. Click the zone domain name you want to associate with the subdomain. If you have a large number of
    zones, you can use the Filter Zones search box at the upper right to locate the necessary zone.
  2. Click Actions > Add Subdomain.
  3. Enter the subdomain.
  4. Choose a target from the list.
  5. Enter additional info based on the target.
  6. Click Add Subdomain to save.

Modify subdomains

Start from the DNS Zone List and perform the following steps:

  1. Click the zone domain name associated with the subdomain. If you have a large number of zones,
    you can use the Filter Zones search box at the upper right to locate the necessary zone.
  2. Click Actions > Edit Subdomain.
  3. Click the desired subdomain.
  4. Change the subdomain target by using the list.
  5. Enter additional info based on the new target.
  6. Click Save Changes to finish.

Export DNS zones

When you export DNS zones, you can either export all zones or a specific zone.

Export all DNS zones

Start from the DNS Zone List and perform the following steps:

  1. Click Actions > Export All Zone Files.

    This begins the export of all zone files.

  2. After the export completes, the system adds a .zip file beginning with the account number to the file
    manager containing .txt files for each zone in BIND9 format.

Note: This process might take a while, depending on the number of zones.

Export a single DNS zone

Start from the DNS Zone List and perform the following steps:

  1. Click the zone domain name you want to modify. If you have a large number of zones, you can use the
    Filter Zones search box at the upper right to locate the necessary zone.

  2. Click Actions > Export Zone File.

    This automatically downloads a .txt file named after the exported zone domain name in BIND9 format.

DNS records

DNS record types include the following records:

  • A, AAAA, Cname: Records for webservers and domain aliases.
  • MX: Used for indicating the mail server for your domain.
  • TXT: Miscellaneous records with various uses. Businesses largely use these for domain ownership
    verification as well as email server security.
  • SRV: Records related to various domain services, such as Office 365®.

A record fields

  • Host: Domain name.
  • TTL: The default is 86400 seconds.
  • Type: Choose IN A.
  • Target: Accepts IPv4 addresses. For example,
  • Comment: Optional field used to describe the record.

AAAA record fields

  • Host: Domain name.
  • TTL: The default is 86400 seconds.
  • Type: Choose IN AAAA.
  • Target: Accepts IPv6 addresses. For example, 2001:db8::8a2e:370:7334.
  • Comment: Optional field used to describe the record.

Cname record fields

  • Host: Domain name.
  • TTL: The default is 86400 seconds.
  • Type: Choose IN CNAME.
  • Target: Accepts hostnames. For example,
  • Comment: Optional field used to describe the record.

MX record fields

  • Host: Domain name.
  • TTL: The default is 86400 seconds.
  • Priority: Numerical value that defines the priority of the mail server when you
    configure multiple MX records. Lower numbers indicate a higher priority.
  • Target: Accepts hostnames and IP addresses.
  • Comment: Optional field used to describe the record.

TXT record fields

  • Host: Domain name.
  • TTL: The default is 86400 seconds.
  • Text: Record value as provided by the provider requesting that you add it.
  • Comment: Optional field used to describe the record.
  • Validate: Indicates whether SPF validation uses the TXT record.

SRV records fields

  • Service: Service name
  • Protocol: TCP or UDP
  • Host (domain name): Record value as provided by the provider requesting that you add it.
  • TTL: The default is 86400 seconds.
  • Priority: Numerical value that defines the priority of the mail server when there are
    multiple MX records configured. Lower numbers indicate a higher priority.
  • Weight: Helps to prioritize certain servers over others when there are multiple SRV records.
  • Port: The port associated with the service.
  • Target: Accepts hostnames and IP addresses.
  • Comment: Optional field used to describe the record.

Zone settings

Zone settings enable you to add a descriptive comment to the zone.

Add and modify records for existing zones

Click the domain name you want to edit in the list of zones displayed. If you have a large
number of zones, you can use the Filter Zones search box at the upper right to locate
the necessary zone.

Add new records

  1. Select the tab for the appropriate record type.
  2. Enter the details for the new record.
  3. Click the + to the right of the new record to save it.

Modify existing records

  1. Select the tab for the appropriate record type.
  2. Click the pencil icon to the right of the record to make changes.
  3. Edit the details for the record.
  4. Click Save Changes to commit the change.

Delete DNS records

  1. Select the tab for the appropriate record type.
  2. Check the box to the left of the record you want to delete.
  3. Click Delete Selected Records.

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