Create a server image for the Rackspace open cloud

Use the Cloud Images service to import custom virtual machine disk images into
the Rackspace open cloud, but make sure the images are properly prepared so
that the servers with those custom images are bootable. This article provides a
detailed example of how to prepare an image of an Ubuntu 13.10 operating system,
as an example. After you've worked through it, you'll have a better idea of how
to create your own custom image for the Rackspace cloud.


  • XenServer hypervisor already set up with a network available for the
    new VM.
  • A server that hosts your kickstart file via HTTP or HTTPS.
  • A Rackspace Cloud account in the region where you want to import
    your image.

Tips and warnings

The instructions in this article are provided to you as an example
of how to prepare an image. Read through them carefully before
using them. They are provided "as is" without warranty of any kind,
either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the
implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a
particular purpose.

The instructions are written so that you can create and re-create the same VM
repeatedly as you perfect your image.

Note: The scripts will automatically delete old VMs and templates that were
created in previous runs.

Ensure that the kickstart file that you use either installs the XenServer and
nova agents together, or installs the cloud-init agent.

The instructions refer to a custom kickstart file located at It's set as the value of the shell variable
KICKFILE and then used as the value of ks in the PV-args. These
instructions assume that you have such a file. If you don't, you can remove
ks=$KICKFILE from the PV-args parameter, or you can
create a new kickstart file.

If you remove ks=$KICKFILE from the PV-args parameter, you will have to
answer several questions in the Linux installer.

If your VM network requires static IPs, you must perform the following tasks:

  • Remove ip=dhcp from the PV-args parameter and add an entry
    similar to the following one:

    ip= netmask= gateway= dns=
  • Modify the network section of your kickstart file so it reads
    similar to the following entry:

    network --onboot yes --device eth0 --bootproto static --ip --netmask --gateway --nameserver --ipv6 auto --hostname localhost

Quick instructions

  1. Use the following one-liner to kickstart the VM and generate the VHD

    It performs the following actions:

    • Sets variables.
    • Deletes any old VMs or templates with the same name.
    • Creates a new template based on the CentOS 6.0 64-bit template.
    • Creates the VIM and VIF.
    • Sets the install-repository parameter and PV-args parameter.
    • Starts the VM, which automatically installs itself and halts.

    NOTE: This one-liner assumes that the kickstart file handles the
    installation of the necessary XenServer, nova, or cloud-init agents
    in post-installation. Ensure that your kickstart file does the same.
    Details about the agent installations are in the "Tips and
    Warnings" section.

    VMNAME=ubuntutestvm1; TEMPLATENAME=Ubuntu13.10; NETNAME=publicnet; MIRROR=""; KICKFILE=""; VMUUID=`xe vm-list name-label=$VMNAME params=uuid --minimal`; NETUUID=`xe network-list name-label=$NETNAME params=uuid --minimal`; TEMPLATEUUID=`xe template-list name-label=$TEMPLATENAME params=uuid --minimal`; TEMPLATESOURCE=`xe template-list name-label=Ubuntu\ Lucid\ Lynx\ 10.04\ \(64-bit\) params=uuid --minimal`; SR=`mount |grep sr-mount |cut -d' ' -f3`; if [ "$VMUUID" != "" ]; then xe vm-uninstall uuid=$VMUUID --force; fi; if [ "$TEMPLATEUUID" != "" ]; then xe template-uninstall template-uuid=$TEMPLATEUUID --force; fi; TEMPLATEUUID=`xe vm-clone uuid="$TEMPLATESOURCE" new-name-label="$TEMPLATENAME"`; xe template-param-set uuid=$TEMPLATEUUID other-config:debian-release=saucy; VMUUID=`xe vm-install template=$TEMPLATENAME new-name-label=$VMNAME`; VMVHD=`xe vbd-list vm-name-label=$VMNAME params=vdi-uuid --minimal`.vhd; xe vif-create vm-uuid=$VMUUID network-uuid=$NETUUID mac=random device=0; xe vm-param-set uuid=$VMUUID other-config:install-repository=$MIRROR; xe vm-param-set uuid=$VMUUID PV-args="console=hvc0 ks=$KICKFILE netcfg/disable_autoconfig=true netcfg/get_nameservers= netcfg/get_ipaddress= netcfg/get_netmask= netcfg/get_gateway= netcfg/confirm_static=true netcfg/get_hostname=localhost netcfg/get_domain=domain"; xe vm-start uuid=$VMUUID
  2. Shut down the VM.

    xe vm-shutdown uuid=$VMUUID
  3. Use the echo command to find your image.

    echo "Your prepared image is named '$VMVHD' and is located in the directory '$SR' "

Detailed Instructions

  1. Log in to XenServer as root.

  2. Set the following variables:

    # The name of your VM
    # The name of the new OS template
    # The name of the VM network
    # The URL to the mirror for the OS install
    # The URL to the kickstart file **Point this to your own kickstart file!**
    # Grab UUID of previous VM
    VMUUID=`xe vm-list name-label=$VMNAME params=uuid --minimal`
    # Grab UUID of network
    NETUUID=`xe network-list name-label=$NETNAME params=uuid --minimal`
    # Grab template UUID
    TEMPLATEUUID=`xe template-list name-label=$TEMPLATENAME params=uuid --minimal`
    # Grab source template UUID
    TEMPLATESOURCE=`xe template-list name-label=Ubuntu\ Lucid\ Lynx\ 10.04\ \(64-bit\) params=uuid --minimal`
    # Grab location of local disk XenServer SR
    SR=`mount |grep sr-mount |cut -d' ' -f3`
  3. If a previous VM or template exists with a matching name, delete it.

    if [ "$VMUUID" != "" ]; then xe vm-uninstall uuid=$VMUUID --force; fi; if [ "$TEMPLATEUUID" != "" ]; then xe template-uninstall template-uuid=$TEMPLATEUUID --force; fi
  4. If a Xen OS template doesn't already exist for this OS, create one:

    TEMPLATEUUID=$(xe vm-clone uuid=`xe template-list name-label=Ubuntu\ Lucid\ Lynx\ 10.04\ \(64-bit\) params=uuid --minimal` new-name-label="$TEMPLATE"); xe template-param-set uuid=$TEMPLATEUUID other-config:debian-release=saucy
  5. Create a new template, store the UUID in $TEMPLATEUUID, and set the
    debian-release parameter to saucy.

    TEMPLATEUUID=`xe vm-clone uuid="$TEMPLATESOURCE" new-name-label="$TEMPLATENAME"`; xe template-param-set uuid=$TEMPLATEUUID other-config:debian-release=saucy
  6. Create the VM and store the UUID in $VMUUID. Store VBD file name
    for the VM in $VMVHD.

    VMUUID=`xe vm-install template=$TEMPLATENAME new-name-label=$VMNAME`; VMVHD=`xe vbd-list vm-name-label=$VMNAME params=vdi-uuid --minimal`.vhd
  7. Create the VIF for the VM and attach it to the appropriate network.

    xe vif-create vm-uuid=$VMUUID network-uuid=$NETUUID mac=random device=0
  8. Set the other-config:install-repository parameter to
    Rackspace mirror.

    xe vm-param-set uuid=$VMUUID other-config:install-repository=$MIRROR
  9. Set the PV-args parameter, which sets the kickstart file location,
    the kickstart device, DHCP, and no IPv6 during installation.

    Note: This instruction assumes that the kickstart file handles the
    installation of the necessary XenServer, nova, or cloud-init agents
    in post-installation. Ensure that your kickstart file does the same.
    Details about the agent installations are in the "Tips and
    Warnings" section.

    xe vm-param-set uuid=$VMUUID PV-args="console=hvc0 ks=$KICKFILE netcfg/disable_autoconfig=true netcfg/get_nameservers= netcfg/get_ipaddress= netcfg/get_netmask= netcfg/get_gateway= netcfg/confirm_static=true netcfg/get_hostname=localhost netcfg/get_domain=domain"
  10. Start the VM

    xe vm-start uuid=$VMUUID
  11. Wait for installation to finish.

    You can connect to the console by using VNC; for example:

    # Establish ssh port forwarding to the appropriate VNC port on the XenServer
    ssh -L 5902:localhost:5902 [email protected]
    # Now from your desktop you can connect to the console to watch the installation progress
  12. After the installation is finished and the VM has shut down, issue a
    proper shutdown command:

    xe vm-shutdown uuid=$VMUUID
  13. Use the echo command to remind yourself where the image file that
    you prepared is located.

    echo "Your prepared image is named '$VMVHD' and is located in the directory '$SR' "

    Note: You can move the image file anywhere you like. You can
    also rename it. We recommend that you give the file a name that
    describes what's on the image. The image file is a binary file with
    no extractable metadata, so you cannot use the file to see what is
    in it.

  14. Import the image to the Rackspace cloud by using the Cloud Images API.


    • You have already uploaded the image to a container called images in
      the region where you want to import the image.
    • You have named your image *ubuntu1310v1.vhd**.

    Set your token to $TOKEN, tenantid to $TENANTID and endpoint to $IMAGESURL

    # Create the import image task
    curl -s $IMAGESURL/tasks -X POST -H "X-Auth-Project-Id: $TENANTID" -H "Accept: application/json"  -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-Tenant-Id: $TENANTID" -H "X-User-Id: $TENANTID" -H "X-Auth-Token: $TOKEN" -d '{"type": "import", "input": {"import_from": "images/ubuntu1310v1.vhd", "image_properties" : {"name": "Custom Ubuntu 13.10 v1"}}}'

    The output of the above command (piped through python -m json.tool) is:

        "created_at": "2014-01-03T01:24:21Z",
        "expires_at": "2014-01-03T01:24:21Z",
        "id": "31f3e9c2-6b98-4f66-afdb-b249b24c82b4",
        "input": {
            "image_properties": {
                "name": "Custom Ubuntu 13.10 v1"
            "import_from": "images/ubuntu1310v1.vhd"
        "owner": "000000",
        "schema": "/v2/schemas/task",
        "self": "/v2/tasks/31f3e9c2-6b98-4f66-afdb-b249b24c82b4",
        "status": "pending",
        "type": "import",
        "updated_at": "2014-01-03T01:24:21Z"

    Note: the 'id' field of the task response above. You can use it to poll
    the task to check on its status. A task is a complex asynchronous activity,
    so you don't need to poll more often than every 30 seconds. Here's an
    example of how to poll:

    # Check on the status of the import task
    curl -s $IMAGESURL/tasks/31f3e9c2-6b98-4f66-afdb-b249b24c82b4 -X GET -H "X-Auth-Project-Id: $TENANTID" -H "Accept: application/json"  -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-Tenant-Id: $TENANTID" -H "X-User-Id: $TENANTID" -H "X-Auth-Token: $TOKEN" | python -mjson.tool

    Eventually, your task will reach a final status of either 'success' or
    'error'. Here's what a successful task status looks like:

        "created_at": "2014-01-03T01:24:21Z",
        "expires_at": "2014-01-05T01:24:49Z",
        "id": "31f3e9c2-6b98-4f66-afdb-b249b24c82b4",
        "input": {
            "image_properties": {
                "name": "Custom Ubuntu 13.10 v1"
            "import_from": "images/ubuntu1310v1.vhd"
        "owner": "000000",
        "result": {
            "image_id": "7a3515d4-ddd9-4297-bd36-06d2140bf11b"
        "schema": "/v2/schemas/task",
        "self": "/v2/tasks/31f3e9c2-6b98-4f66-afdb-b249b24c82b4",
        "status": "success",
        "type": "import",
        "updated_at": "2014-01-03T01:24:49Z"
  15. Now you can perform other image and server operations with your image:

    # Look at your new image
    supernova personal-iad image-show "Custom Ubuntu 13.10 v1"
    | Property                                       | Value                                |
    | status                                         | ACTIVE                               |
    | metadata com.rackspace__1__visible_rackconnect | 1                                    |
    | updated                                        | 2014-01-03T01:24:49Z                 |
    | metadata com.rackspace__1__build_core          | 1                                    |
    | name                                           | Custom Ubuntu 13.10 v1               |
    | created                                        | 2014-01-03T01:24:24Z                 |
    | metadata com.rackspace__1__options             | 0                                    |
    | metadata org.openstack__1__architecture        | x64                                  |
    | metadata com.rackspace__1__visible_core        | 1                                    |
    | minDisk                                        | 0                                    |
    | metadata com.rackspace__1__visible_managed     | 1                                    |
    | metadata com.rackspace__1__build_managed       | 1                                    |
    | metadata org.openstack__1__os_distro           | org.ubuntu                           |
    | metadata org.openstack__1__os_version          | 13.10                                |
    | metadata com.rackspace__1__build_rackconnect   | 1                                    |
    | progress                                       | 100                                  |
    | minRam                                         | 0                                    |
    | OS-EXT-IMG-SIZE:size                           | 589204485                            |
    | id                                             | 7a3515d4-ddd9-4297-bd36-06d2140bf11b |
    # Boot your new image
    supernova personal-iad boot --image 7a3515d4-ddd9-4297-bd36-06d2140bf11b --flavor 3 --key-name rax ubuntu1310v1-vm1
    | Property               | Value                                |
    | status                 | BUILD                                |
    | updated                | 2014-01-03T01:33:24Z                 |
    | OS-EXT-STS:task_state  | scheduling                           |
    | key_name               | rax                                  |
    | image                  | Custom Ubuntu 13.10 v1               |
    | hostId                 |                                      |
    | OS-EXT-STS:vm_state    | building                             |
    | flavor                 | 1GB Standard Instance                |
    | id                     | 0058922a-8595-45aa-a314-86aac1c605e0 |
    | user_id                | 10079419                             |
    | name                   | ubuntu1310v1-vm1                     |
    | adminPass              | SJV6Jex67EeX                         |
    | tenant_id              | 852575                               |
    | created                | 2014-01-03T01:33:24Z                 |
    | OS-DCF:diskConfig      | MANUAL                               |
    | accessIPv4             |                                      |
    | accessIPv6             |                                      |
    | progress               | 0                                    |
    | OS-EXT-STS:power_state | 0                                    |
    | config_drive           |                                      |
    | metadata               | {}                                   |
    # Login to your new instance
    ssh [email protected]
    Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
    The programs included with the Ubuntu system are free software;
    the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
    individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.
    Ubuntu comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by
    applicable law.

Related information


Thanks to Greg Ball, Paul Friel, Brian Rosmaita, and Jered Heeschen for
their contributions to this article.