Change the hostname on CentOS 6 servers

This article demonstrates how to change a CentOS® 6 server hostname.

To change the hostname, perform the following steps:

  1. To verify the current hostname, run the following command:


  2. To change the hostname in the network file, run the following command:

    vi /etc/sysconfig/network

  3. Find the line that contains the variable "HOSTNAME", replace its value, and save the file:


  4. To verify the current domain name, run the following command:


  5. To find your host IP address, run the following command:

    ip addr show

  6. To change the domain name in the hosts file, run the following command:

    vi /etc/hosts

  7. Add or modify the line with your host IP address, changing the domain name. Be sure to use
    a fully qualified doman name (FQDN), such as the following example: server_name
  8. Save your change and close the file.

  9. After you change the domain name, you have to restart the network service. Use one of the
    following commands:

    # service network restart
    # /etc/init.d/network restart
  10. To verify the changes, execute the following commands:

    # hostname
    # dnsdomainname